Project Taskings

Task 1: Initial Server Configuration and Data Loading
We will load the raw GIS data from all three studies into ArcGIS server, and establish secure administrative access for staff at ProNatura to operate the system remotely. Thanks to our existing servers and internet access on both ends, initial setup will require "zero configuration" on the ProNatura end.

Task 2: Project Planning, Coordination, Server Software Training (on site)
We plan to spend several days on site in Ensenada, providing an initial orientation to ArcGIS server and to the study data and their organization. We will jointly review existing personnel training, facilities, hardware and software, relative to SDI.

Task 3: Data Inventory and Documentation
Our research assistant at MIT will systematically catalog the data, creating a digital catalog record for each layer and entering this information into ArcGIS's standard metadata tool. As needed our assistant will research the providence and distribution rights for data which was acquired from 3rd parties (as opposed to that derived entirely within a project). A parallel effort will be conducted by a researcher at ProNatura, cataloging information from their base data catalog which they wish to publish. Our intention is to develop the catalog in bilingual English/Spanish form. Pending staffing review, however, it is not clear if this effort will require separate translation efforts or can be done by a single bilingual assistant.

Task 4: Cartographic Design and Production
For each publicly-distributable layer, our research assistant will develop cartographic symbolization and create a preview map. This cartography will then be exported, tested, and adjusted as necessary, to support effective integration within Google Earth and similar 3d geospatial visualization tools. We will document the methods used, and work with a GIS analyst at ProNatura to apply similar cartographic standards to their data holdings. Our goal will be to develop cartographic products appropriate to the context of Mexican usage.

Task 5: Web Content Management System Setup and Design
Geographic information much be searchable in order to be used. We will develop a searchable content management system designed to be served from ProNatura's existing web site.

Task 6: Documentation
We plan to develop two forms of documentation: one for end-users and another for staff. User documentation will be provided online, and in PowerPoint format for incorporation by ProNatura in local training sessions with partners. Staff documentation, focusing on metadata and cartographic development standards, will also be developed in these two formats. Here we will adopt and adapt existing documentation, such as the already available from colleagues at the Massachusetts state GIS service center.

Task 7: Server and content transfer and setup (on site)
The project team will return to Ensenada to install project servers, and to load them with a mirror of the server contents previously run from MIT. Once servers are up and tested, the ProNatura machines will be switched to become the primary servers, and MIT's systems will serve only a backup role. After testing, we will assist in the formal hand-off and public launch of the BajaGIS service.

Task 8: User and Staff Training (on site)
With all components up and running, we will conduct training workshops in the use of the new system. We will first train Pronatura staff, and then assist them in a round of user training working with local stakeholders.

Baja Eco-Info Development/Implementation-Phase I:

Task 1: Develop technical advisory committee consisting of members from SDSU, Pronatura, ICF, ALCOSTA, Niparaja, TNC, San Diego Natural History Museum, Guardianes de la Agua, A.C., and Eco-Alianza de Loreto.

Task 2: Definition of study area. ICF, PNO and SDSU will work pro-actively with NGO partners to define the study area or a list of priority sites which will need to appear in the final map for La Paz.

Task 3: Information Survey. Besides gathering the information generated by PNO and other project partners information surveys will be carried out in other governmental and non governmental informational sources.

Task 4: Information Analysis. All the collected information will be placed in a data base for its integration which will include actualization, selection, dismissal, format, statistical calculation and projection changes.

Task 5: Meta data documentation and conversion. Meta data developed as part of Alternative Futures Study for La Paz and Loreto will be properly documented for external use.

Task 6: Development of GIS and map production. This stage will consist in the integration of the collected data in a Geographic Information System and the transformation of this data in a specific language suitable for the development of an interactive map. It will be possible to consult this information through image layers and technical formats of the priority sites.

Task 7: Production and Development of Interactive mapping tools. The GIS information will be integrated in an interactive map with programming software and displayed in a HTML language. This map should allow the users of the web to interact with the information contained in the database should also display key information in different scales and should allow the continuous up date with support of SDSU and ICF’s webmaster.

a. Interactive web mapping tool permitting local environmental nonprofits in Baja California and the Gulf of California region to provide real time, site specific information that is geo-referenced and specific to priority conservation areas including text and images;
Some examples of similar maps can be seen in:**

c. Web GIS interactive data collection tool for water quality data for Baja California and the Gulf of California with initial focus on the Bahia de La Paz in collaboration with La Paz Baykeeper (Guadianes de la Agua, A.C). GIS interactive data collection tool will be modeled after similar work undertaken by SDSU’s Department of Geography in collaboration with San Diego Coastkeeper in the development of their San Diego Bay Watershed/Water Quality (Common Ground) project:

Task 8: Video of priority conservation areas using inter-active web based tools and GIS mapping (including Google Earth) developed in close collaboration with local NGO partners in priority conservation areas. For phase one, web based video interactive tools will be developed for the Bahia de La Paz.

Task 9: Integration of the map server. In collaboration with ICF the interactive map will be up loaded to an internet web-site. This site will be accessible from ICF and Pronatura web pages. The final solution will be housed on an external web server to avoid potential disruption of service. The cost of this web hosting has not been included in this proposal.

Task 10: Environmental NGO training, capacity building, and outreach. During phase one, Pronatura and SDSU will work with Guardianes de la Agua, A.C. (La Paz Coastkeeper), providing them with the training necessary to maintain online water quality data on Baja. Additional outreach and capacity building will be undertaken with the staff of Niparaja and other NGOs interested in taking advantage of the Baja-EcoInfo mapping tool.

Baja Eco-Info Development/Implementation --Phase II:

Task 1: Leveraging lessons learned from phase I, implement interactive mapping tool for Bahia de Loreto working with local/regional NGOs to implement data collection tools.

Baja Eco-Info Development/Implementation --Phase III:

Subsequent phases of Baja Eco-Info mapping tool will be developed in partnership with other NGOs along the Baja California peninsula with the goal of including all major at risk conservation areas by mid 2009. Potential future GIS interactive mapping work will include leveraging past work by the past alternative futures team in Los Cabos as well as leveraging existing metadata by Pronatrua to produce similar mapping product for Bahia de Los Angeles.

Expected Outcomes:

• Development of Baja-Eco-Info, a web based interactive mapping tool to promote conservation along the Baja California peninsula and the Gulf of California with data collection capabilities and video web functionality with an initial emphasis on La Paz (Phase I) and Loreto (Phase II);
o Base map will be developed for the entire Baja California peninsula and the Gulf of California identifying all protected areas and areas that are a priority for conservation based on their biodiversity.

• During the project’s pilot first phase, detailed mapping products will be produced for the Bahia de La Paz (phase I) and Loreto (Phase II). For both locations geo-referenced details of all development projects will be included including expected environmental impacts.
o Work with Guardianes del Agua A.C (La Paz Coastkeeper) and Eco Aliaza de Loreto to develop interactive maps of water quality data for both Bahia de La Paz and Bahia de Loreto.

• Technology and peer learning will be facilitated between San Diego State University (SDSU)’s Department of Geography and Pronatura’s GIS team in the area of web based mapping technologies; this will facilitate Pronatura to be a leader in web based interactive mapping in the Mexican conservation community and provide an additional value added service that Pronatura’s GIS lab can provide to other Mexican NGOs promoting conservation in Baja California and the Gulf of California.

• Technology and peer learning will be facilitated between Massachusetts Institute of Technology‘s (MIT) Department of Urban Planning to properly document GIS meta data developed as part of the Alternative Futures Studies for La Paz and Loreto. Additional technology and peer learning will be promoted on the use of these previously developed data bases. NOTE: MIT Professor Michael Flaxman was previously the GIS Project Manager at Harvard University for the referenced alternative future studies so his support to transition meta-data for use by Pronatura is critical.