Improvements to the web map portions of the Connectory will include shifting from the current map setup to a faster and more interactive map.
This will be achieved by using a combination of the Google Maps API, Fusion Tables, and Javascript.
Provide Geographic Information System (GIS) and GIS Applications Layer technical support to East County EDC’s support of its Network.
Major Tasks
1) Improve the web-based mapping functions in the Connectory website
2) Streamline the procedure for creating PDF maps associated with various industry categories and regions by using Python and effective cartographic color schemes and symbols.
Initial Phase
1) Meet with representatives from the East County EDC to discuss current data setup, and determine future directions of project.
2) Determine what visual elements should be included in design of new web and PDF maps
3) Create a test map utilizing a small data sample from the Connectory’s SQL database.
4) Create an initial PDF template
5) Gather feedback on design and features
Web Map
Improved web mapping services (hosted on a SDSU server), which will be linkable or embeddable for the Connectory website
This project will utilize the Google Map API, Google Fusion Tables, Javascript, and ArcGIS Server to congressional districts, state legislative districts, counties)
will be included as overlays. Markers will appear in clusters, to quickly visualize industry concentrations amongst the portals. Planned search functionality
features will utilize field and keyword queries. The new interactive map will be linked to the Connectory through an iFrame, and will be stored on a server at SDSU.
The Connectory SQL server will provide an updated version of the database, and upload it to the ECEDC’s FTP site. The possibility of automating the download process from the
ECEDC’s SQL database will be explored. The SDSU server will automatically fetch the updated database from the FTP site, which will incorporated in the new map.
The new map will be updated weekly.
A customized ArcMap template and toolbox will be produced to automate PDF map creation.
This portion of the project will utilize ArcMap 10 and it’s built in Python modules. A series of templates will be created utilizing cartographic standards.
Emphasis will be on ease of understanding the map, and standardization of information. A simplified database structure will be created to hold the background layers
needed for the maps. This will include updated legislative and congressional district boundaries, as well as nationwide topographic information. All data will be from public
sources, non-proprietary, and freely available for use.
A simple tool will be created using Python that will automate PDF map creation. A user will simply need to select a template, and an updated map will be produced.
Additionally, a list of businesses will be provided as an optional report. Part of the Python code will link the templates to the Connectory’s SQL database,
so that the PDF maps are as up-to-date as possible.
The possibility of automating the uploading of PDF maps to the Connectory site will be explored.